St Anne's C of E Primary School
Our Church School is a short walk from church. Rev'd Lois enjoys going into school to lead Worship on a Thursday and enjoys welcoming school in to chruch at special times throughout the year.
Being a foundation governor in a Church School is a vital Christian ministry. It involves time, energy and a willingness to become involved in the life of the school on a regular basis. The Education and Inspections Act 2006 gives the Governing Board the duties to promote the well-being of pupils at the school, promote community cohesion and have regard to any relevant children and young people's plan. More infomation about being a School Governor can be found on our Diocesan Board of Education Website.
You must check the addmissions criterea of the schools you wish your child to attend but if you are hoping to use a faith referance to support your application then please introduce yourself to the Vicar.
Often the criteria for a faith referance is that the parent has attended the place of worship once a month for at least the six months prior to 1st September the year before the year of admission.